Sessions & Fees

The Pre-School is open from 8:30am to 4pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, term time only.

We are able to offer a full range of options for private funded sessions, 15 hours and 30 hours Flexible Free Entitlement government funded childcare.

Flexible Free Entitlement

2 Year Olds

Your child may also be eligible for funding from the term after their 2nd birthday.

Eligibility for 2Help funding is assessed by Warwickshire County Council and can be viewed at:

The 15 hours working parent entitlement eligibility should be applied for by parents through childcare choices who will assess your criteria for receiving the additional free hours.

2 year old funding and the universal 15 hours per week free entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds use the model that is outlined below.

3 and 4 Year Olds

All children are eligible for the Flexible Free Entitlement from the term after their 3rd birthday.  This free entitlement allows children to receive between 15 and 30 hours of childcare and education per week. The 30 hours eligibility should be applied for by parents through childcare choices who will assess your criteria for receiving the additional free hours. Free entitlement sessions will be tailored to meet all family requirements within the sessions that we offer. Wrap around charges apply for the hours falling outside of these sessions. Flexible Free Entitlement is subject to government changes.

In 2014 the government introduced the early years pupil premium (EYPP).  This is additional funding for early year’s settings to improve the education provided for disadvantaged 3- and 4 year olds. Eligibility can be viewed at: or alternatively please ask us for an information leaflet.

FUNDING MODEL FOR 2 YEAR OLDS (There is an eligibility criteria for 15 Hours per Week)

Sessions Available Charges for 2 Year Olds
Early Morning Club

8.30a.m – 9.00a.m

£3.05 OR Free Entitlement
Morning Session

9.00a.m – 11.30a.m

£15.25 OR Free Entitlement
Lunch Club

11.30a.m – 12.30p.m

£6.10 OR Free Entitlement
Afternoon Session

12.30p.m -3.00p.m

£15.25 OR Free Entitlement
Extended Afternoon

3.00pm – 4.00pm

£6.10 OR Free Entitlement


Sessions Available Charges for 3 Year Olds
Early Morning Club

8.30a.m – 9.00a.m

£3.05 OR Free Entitlement
Morning Session

9.00a.m – 11.30a.m

£15.25 OR Free Entitlement
Lunch Club

11.30a.m – 12.30p.m

£6.10 OR Free Entitlement
Afternoon Session

12.30p.m -3.00p.m

£15.25 OR Free Entitlement
Extended Afternoon

3.00pm – 4.00pm

£6.10 OR Free Entitlement

We will discuss your requirements on an individual basis and where possible tailor the sessions to meet the needs of your family.


For parents who believe they will qualify for the additional funding of up to 30 hours per week there will be individual models agreed to ensure we can facilitate your entitlement.  Please check your eligibility against the criteria below and discuss your requirements with us.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A  two parent family who are BOTH working and earn the equivalent of 16 hours per week paid at the national living wage (at least £120 per week)
  • They each earn less than £100,000 per year
  • Self-Employed Workers are included in this scheme providing you have been self employed for more than 12 months and can prove your income


  • A single parent, who is working and earning the equivalent of 16 hours per week paid at the national living wage (at least £120 per week)
  • They earn less than £100,000 per year

Application Process

Apply online:

Once your application is complete and you have been advised that you are eligible, you will be generated an 11 digit eligibility code. Please bring this code into Pre-School along with your National Insurance Number and complete a short form.  The code will then need to be validated by the Pre-School to confirm your free entitlement.

Tax Free Childcare

If you’re a working parent or carer, you can get up to £500 every three months (up to
£2,000 a year per child) to help with the costs of childcare. If your child has a disability,
you can get up to £1,000 every three months (up to £4,000 a year per child).

You set up an online childcare account for your child. For every £8 you pay into this
account, the government will pay in £2, up to a maximum of £2,000 a year (or £4,000
if your child has a disability). You can then use the money to pay your childcare provider.
You need to reconfirm your eligibility for Tax-Free Childcare every three months. You’ll
get a text reminder and it’s easy to do through your online childcare account.

Follow the link below for more information to check your eligibility and how to apply.

Lunch Club

For those children staying at Pre-School during the lunchtime period, parents are required to provide them with a packed lunch.  We would ask that the lunches provided are healthy and nutritious.  We are able to offer the children water to drink with their lunch or a drink may be supplied from home.

Snack Contribution

For all funding options we are asking for an optional voluntary contribution of 50p per session, a total of £1.00 per day towards the provision of healthy and nutritious snacks.  This contribution will be added to the half termly invoices.  For any parent not wishing to make this contribution we will be asking you to provide your own snacks.  Should you be unable to make a contribution for financial reasons, please discuss this with us confidentially and we can make alternative arrangements.

Throughout the duration of each Pre-School session the children are provided with access to drinking water at all times. At snack times children are offered the choice of milk and water.